Morah Lisa – Assignment for May 3, 2020

Assignment for May 3:

3rd/4th grade:

5th/6th grade:

  • Review Retzei (it’s called Kedushat Hayom on PrayerTech) and Ein Kamokha/Av HaRahamim (It’s called Beginning of the Torah Service on PrayerTech)
  •  Practice Kiddush and Birkhat Hamazon
  • Link to 5th/6th grade Recordings and Text


Feel free to use the PrayerTech App, the link with prayers with recordings and text, or you can always use your Siddur. I will leave it up to you to chose a method for learning tefillot.


Morah Lisa – Assignment for April 26, 2020

Assignment for April 26:

3rd/4th grade:

5th/6th grade:

  • Review Retzei (it’s called Kedushat Hayom on PrayerTech) and Ein Kamokha/Av HaRahamim (It’s called Beginning of the Torah Service on PrayerTech)
  •  Practice Kiddush (blessing over wine)
  • Link to 5th/6th grade Recordings and Text


Feel free to use the PrayerTech App, the link with prayers with recordings and text, or you can always use your Siddur. I will leave it up to you to chose a method for learning tefillot.


Morah Lisa – Assignment for April 12, 2020

Assignment for April 12:

3rd/4th grade:

5th/6th grade:


Feel free to use the PrayerTech App, the link with prayers with recordings and text, or you can always use your Siddur. I will leave it up to you to chose a method for learning tefillot.


Morah Lisa – Assignment for March 29, 2020

How is everyone doing? Are you able to access everything you need?

Please let me know if you need anything to help you learn these prayers.


Assignment for March 29:

3rd/4th grade:

5th/6th grade:


Feel free to use the PrayerTech App, the link with prayers with recordings and text, or you can always use your Siddur. I will leave it up to you to chose a method for learning tefillot.


7th grade assignments

Hi there 7th grade students (and parents),

Even though we aren’t meeting as a class, I’m creating a few more assignments to finish out the year. You can find them on Google Docs with due dates. The first one is posted now. There’s a video to watch explaining what makes Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform synagogues different from each other.

Expect about two assignments in April, and then the big one to wrap up the year in May is imagining what your Jewish life looks like in high school, college, and beyond. If we’re not back in session by then, it’s a conversation to have with your parents and grandparents!

Morah Lisa – March 22 assignment

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all safe and well. I know you have a lot going on with remote learning for schools, so I understand if you don’t have time or the screen-time endurance to do the same for tefillot. Each week I will post which prayers I would like you to focus on. Morah Abby signed us up for the PrayerTech App and I posted a list of all the prayers with recordings and text, or you can always use your Siddur. I will leave it up to you to chose a method for learning tefillot.

Assignment for March 22:

Try out PrayerTech and explore the app. I will be doing the same.

3rd/4th grade – Review V’ahavta and practice V’shamru Link to 3rd/4th grade Recordings and Text

5th/6th grade – Review V’shamru and study Retzei (Kedushat Hayom on PrayerTech) Link to 5th/6th grade Recordings and Text

Setting up the PrayerTech app

I’m excited to introduce the PrayerTech app to you, which Torah Aura has generously provided at almost no charge for the next few months to help out Hebrew schools across the country. It’s been customized to our school, so when your students log in they will see only the prayers in their class’s curriculum. Morah Lisa will likely make assignments, but the students might enjoy reviewing at their own pace as well.

Read on for detailed instructions on how to download the app and sign up. Everyone’s username is listed below and the password is “kbepray.”

Continue reading “Setting up the PrayerTech app”

Some resources to get you started

Shalom families! I hope you’re all staying sane out there. We are putting together a plan for KBE that is a mix of one-on-one tutoring, Hebrew apps, Zoom video calls, and a few assignments. We’ll use the KBE blog to post links to different resources. To get you started with family activities, PJ Library  has tons of ideas!

Our main goals during this time are to keep your children connected and to keep their skills up. With an eye on keeping them connected with Jewish life, check out the Worldwide Synagogue Sing. This event has passed but it’s been recorded (click register to view), and I’m sure they’ll do another one! I’m also planning on continuing havdalah every Sunday morning.

To keep students’ Hebrew skills up, we are setting up tutoring with your child’s teacher. Second grade is the first one to be set up: sign up for a tutoring time with Morah Debbie for Hebrew reading from your primer. This will be either over the phone or on video-chat. (For 1st graders and any other students who wish to brush up on their skills, there are a number of Aleph-Bet apps available and we are working on a list.)

Hannah Senesh: Heroes for Hanukkah

KBE 3rd-6th grade students learned about Hannah Senesh this Sunday. She left the safety of the land of Israel and parachuted back into the country of her birth, Hungary, to join the resistance against the Nazis. She was ultimately captured, tortured, and put to death. We know about her life from poems, diary entries, and letters she left behind. One famous poem “A Walk to Caesarea” (“Eli, Eli”) has been set to music (and appears in the Oy Baby album, among other places).

The 5th and 6th graders discussed small everyday heroic acts: things that make us uncomfortable but make a big difference in the life of others. They read Hannah Senesh’s poem “Blessed is the Match,” in praise of sacrificing one’s self to save others, and tried to write their own poems, based on the ideas of what brings light, warmth, and safety to others.

The poems came out great (this was definitely a challenge) and I am happy to have their permission to share them with the school community!

Continue reading “Hannah Senesh: Heroes for Hanukkah”

Inside a Torah scroll

Wow! What a great first Sunday we had at KBE. Soferet (scribe) Julie Seltzer visited and gave all of our students from 1st grade to Hebrew High a chance to learn about the Torah and practice writing letters the way they appear in the Torah. The 7th grade and up even got to use real quills and ink. Pics behind the jump. Thanks Julie for sharing your knowledge with us!

Continue reading “Inside a Torah scroll”